Contradictions Between the Arizal’s Kabbalah and Mosheh Rabbenu’s Torah
Before we bring the basic contradictions between the Arizal’s kabbalah and Mosheh Rabbenu’s Torah, let us explain the concept of ze’er anpin (ז”א) which the Sages use in the Torah of sod.
Ze’er anpin (ז”א) is a concept concerning the revelation of HaKadosh Baruch Hu, one of His three behaviors, which is called in יהוה in the Tanach.
This is clear in many places in all writings of Kabbalah, such as the Zohar Shemot, Parashat HaMan (64b):
This is what Rabbi Shimon was saying: They wanted to know the difference between attika, the most concealed of all concealed things, which is called ayin, and ze’er anpin, which is called יהוה. And therefore it is not written, “Is יהוה among us or not (לא)?” similar to how it is written “Will he follow my teaching or not (לא)”; but rather, “Is יהוה among us or ayin (אין)?”
And similarly in Zohar BaMidbar, Parashat Naso (129a):
And for this, the Children of Israel desired to purify their souls, as it is written (Shemot 17), “Is יהוה among us or אין?” – the difference between ze’er anpin, which is called יהוה, and arich anpin, which is called אין. Why were they punished? Because they didn’t do it out of love, but as a test, as it is written (Shemot 17), “And for their testing יהוה, saying, is יהוה among us or אין?”
Or for instance in Zohar Shemot, Parashat Yitro (93b):
Another explanation: This is the end of the Ten Sayings of the Torah, opposite the most ancient of ancients, the beginning of everything, to join the end with the beginning, for them all to be one. And the reason why it didn’t start with them in the beginning is to teach the sublime secret to which place Mosheh was granted permission. And from which place did he receive the Torah? From ze’er anpin.
If so, ze’er anpin is the name יהוה. Now we will start explaining the contradictions.